The Pearl Nano Logo
The Pearl Nano Logo is a black shield on wings with our name and “Hydrophobic Coatings.” Our tagline is “Dare to be Different"
Download the Pearl Nano Logo (click here).
Logo Usage
Never crowd the logo
Always allow proper breathing room around the logo. Leave at least 1 inch on all sides, and never size the logo smaller than 1.5 inches (print media) or 100 pixels (social media).
Never skew or distort the logo.
Ensure to proportionally scale the logo when using it on the web or in print media.
Never recolor the logo
The logo is a black shield with silver wings — do not make unauthorized changes to the logo’s colors.
Pearl Nano Colors
Our primary colors are white, black and grey, with orange or red accents. HEX is universal, CMYK is for print media, and RGB is for web media.
Primary Colors
Accent Colors
Pearl Nano Fonts
Infinite Justice — titles, H1
Bebas Neue — H2–H6
Montserrat, regular — body/paragraphs, various
Futura Extra Black — specialty (substitute with Montserrat, black)
Master of Break — “Dare to be Different” tagline