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EZ Nano - EZ Nano is the world's easiest to use Professional-Grade Ceramic Coating! EZ Nano is a super glossy, extremely durable Ceramic Coating designed to provide an extended working time without a temperature controlled environment. EZ Nano offers 3-5 years of protection with ultra hydrophobic capabilities.
Nano X V2- Nano X V2 is Pearl Nano's EXTREME Ceramic Coating. Nano X V2 is a 3-5+ year, extremely chemical resistant, ultra high gloss, hydrophobic Ceramic Coating. Nano X withstands pH14, Mag Chloride, and our own Water Spot Killer. No other Ceramic Coating is this insanely chemical resistant while also providing long-lasting results. This is the newest version of this amazing ceramic coating.
Topping it off with the Spray On Ceramic is highly recommended.